Source: 21 Unbelievable Photos That Are Not Photoshopped
You've got to be kidding me!?! Do you think maybe alcohol was involved?
A New Look at Wrigley We got over to Wrigley last week for our first games of the season. It was nice to be out and watch the new look Cubs do their thing with a new look Wrigley. There is the new scoreboard on the left. The vintage scoreboard remains in place in center field. The bleachers are [...]
I Always Find myself Thinking ... I wonder if they're going to make it .... “A perfect marriage is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.” My In-Laws Ginny and Terry Cory who just celebrated 60 year of pure marital bliss. Happy 60th Anniversary Yes. You heard that [...]
Piano Music Will Raise Funds. Really! Live sing along dueling pianos goes down in history as one of the all time great fundraising ideas and is a great choice for your next charity fund raiser event. 1. We can fit every budget with structured rates to fit everyone. We offer across the board [...]
I just got a last minute call today for a pretty awesome gig. It's right in the neighborhood. So ... if you are in Chicago today -- get on down for this one. We're going to start at around 830 and we'll only be on stage for an hour. We'll be at 1060 N Clark Street. Many of you already know the [...]
Surprise! It's your birthday! Bet you didn't know we were going to be here. When you were thinking up good birthday party ideas did you think of Dueling Pianos? Surprise! It's Dueling Pianos Party Ideas! That's what's happening tonight here in Wisconsin Dueling Pianos at a surprise birthday party[...]
Country club entertainment Yes we are in Tippy Time!! That's right. You heard me. Tippecanoe Lake Country Club Entertainment had us back last week for a dueling pianos show. This is our 6th year in a row. 6 YEARS!!! A very nice club indeed. They have been slowly increasing their membership [...]
These Folks Are Going To Have Some FUN!!! Wow! What a blast these folks had in their dueling pianos show at their corporate event. We were just setting up when one of the organizers came by and mentioned what a blast they had at the last one and that everyone on the committee insisted they call us[...]
We had a great corporate event tonight at Navy Pier in Chicago dueling pianos is such a great choice for your event because it's so versatile. Live Music Dueling Pianos at Navy Pier in Chicago USA Tonight we added a superb drummer for the night. Not only could he play his butt off, he could also [...]