Country club entertainment Yes we are in Tippy Time!! That's right. You heard me. Tippecanoe Lake Country Club Entertainment had us back last week for a dueling pianos show. This is our 6th year in a row. 6 YEARS!!! A very nice club indeed. They have been slowly increasing their membership [...]
These Folks Are Going To Have Some FUN!!! Wow! What a blast these folks had in their dueling pianos show at their corporate event. We were just setting up when one of the organizers came by and mentioned what a blast they had at the last one and that everyone on the committee insisted they call us[...]
We've had a very busy first month of the year so far. This week was no exception. Company events were the norm. It's a trend over the last few years that has been occurring. Company Christmas parties in January. Yet last night was an extra special treat. We were invited to perform at a surprise [...]