It’s all about the team. Building a good one is crucial to growing a successful operation. No know does it alone. This week after years of searching, seeking and eventually, finding, we now have a decent new video guy. In Chicago it’s all about if you know a guy. Sometimes it’s even better if you know a guy that knows a guy. Which was the case in getting this guy. To Read More ….
Brian Ernst of UBK Studios did a great job editing some video footage for us from a dueling pianos gig we did last week at the farmers market down in Manteno. Check this out.
We’re going to be there two more times this summer. Thanks to Tom Klonowski who gave me a call for this one. We’ll be there again July 7 and once more on August something or other. Dueling pianos is always great team building fun for your corporate event or fund raiser because every show is different.
We could be singing some song you’ve heard a ba-jillion times before (like the rendition of Sweet Home Chicago you get to see on this video) and you get to hear something new that you’ll never hear again.
You may be listening to one of the more recent classics that Bruno Mars has cultivated. The thing is it’s never ever been like that before which also means it’ll never ever be like that again either.
And this video captures all that.
So if you need a guy, I got a guy. A good guy. And all thanks to my guy Michael McCarthy who gave me his guy’s number.
So what this means is you got a guy now too.
Don’t wait too long to call my guy like I did. Otherwise you might not get this guy.
Check out Brian Ernst’s video here …