I can take one more item off of my Bucket List.
We played dueling pianos at a Presidents Day party. What a great party idea!
They had a fantastic chef prepare some food (with the help of those who wanted to assist). Even the kids joined in! We played piano music and everyone was joining in singing along with us.
It’s going to be one of those great days that everyone will remember forever. But it doesn’t happen by mistake. You gotta pick up the phone and give us a call. Or if you would prefer, fill out the form to see if your date is available.
And guess what? No I said Guess. You’re right! (Good guess.)
You don’t have to wait a year for next Presidents Day to
throw a party.We’ve got plenty of great party ideas for you. Like someone you know is probably going to graduate this year. Someone you know is going to be celebrating an anniversary or a birthday. And I don’t know about you but I am already thinking about BBQ season.
This is not one of those party ideas you have to wait for. You can make it happen by picking up the phone and calling (773) 456-4439 and reserving your date. Or better yet – fill out the form on this site and let’s get the ball rolling.
We need to keep our Memory Tanks filled with great party memories celebrating the milestones and
the holidays that come along every year.Even Presidents Day . . . . .